Study plans
Dates for filling in the study plan: 6 - 27 November 2024.
All the students enrolled in the following academic years:
2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 for Bachelor’s degrees
2022-23, 2023-24 for Master’s degrees
MUST fill in the study plan, through the on-line UNIWEB procedure.
Students can choose between two types of study plans:
- "Automatically approved" study plan: implies choosing only the teachings listed in the chart 1 below.
- after the students confirms it, the study plan is immmediately transferred to their online booklets, without any further steps.
- "Subject to approval" study plan: it is necessary if students choose teachings that are not listed in the chart 1 below.
- once approved, the study plan is immmediately transferred to their online booklets, without any further steps.
Students enrolled before academic year 2020-2021 for Bachelor’s degrees and before academic year 2022-2023 for Master’s degrees, cannot fill in the study plan online, but must use a paper form which is downloadable clicking on one of the links provided below. Students must fill them in electronically (forms filled in by hand will be rejected), carefully reporting the exact codes of the teachings.
L Biologia - Paper form
LM Biologia Evoluzionistica - Paper form
LM Biologia Marina - Paper Form
The form, duly filled in and signed, must be sent in a pdf format to the Academic Office (, to Prof. Isabella Moro ( or to Prof. Gianluca Occhi ( no later than November 27.
Communication of approval will be sent to the students’ institutional email address (
The evaluation of the study plans will be concluded by Tuesday December 3, 2024. Between Wednesday December 4 until Tuesday December 10, 2024 a short time window will be OPEN EXCLUSIVELY for students whose study plan was not approved and need to fill it in again.
All communications with the Study Plan Committee members must be through the institutional accounts (, as to avoid the University firewall system to block the messages.
Students who wish to take courses from other study programmes MUST:
Ø check that they do not overlap with the programme courses
Ø contact the lecturers in advance because an excessive number of students may prevent them from arranging exercises, resulting in not accepting students from other degree programmes.
Ø it is always advisable to contact the lecturers, so that they can evaluate their availability in relation to classroom capacity.
IMPORTANT: students of the Bachelor's degree program should include among the elective courses only teachings from the Bachelor's degrees and students of the Master's degrees only teachings from the Master's degrees.
Students who intend to include in their study plan teachings that are not listed in the table below:
Ø can choose any course at the University of Padua but their content must be consistent with the programme
Ø cannot have any content overlap with the mandatory teachings
Ø attendance is mandatory, there must therefore be time compatibility
Ø bachelor's degree students cannot attend courses from the Master's degree in Evolutionary Biology or in Marine Biology
Ø for any doubt, students should submit their chosen courses to the Study Plan Committee
The request must be submitted by e-mail to the following addresses: or
For Bachelor's degrees | CFU/ECTS | Semester |
Storia evolutiva dei vertebrati | 6 | 1° |
Biologia Evoluzionistica o Ecologia marina | 10 | 2° | |
For Master's degrees | CFU/ECTS |
Biodiversity and Behaviour (in Chioggia) | 8 | 1° |
Reproduction in aquaculture (in Chioggia) | 8 | 1° |
Ecological modelling (in Chioggia) | 8 | 1° | |
Risposte biologiche ai cambiamenti climatici globali | 8 | 1° |
Behavioural Genetics | 8 | 1° | |
Molecular Antropology | 8 | 1° | |
For Bachelor's degrees | Programme name | ECTS/CFU | Semester |
Organismi modello in biologia | LT Biologia Molecolare | 6 | 2° |
Immunologia | LT Biologia Molecolare | 6 | 2° |
Metodologie biochimiche | LT Biologia Molecolare | 6 | 1° |
Immunologia Medica | LT Biotecnologie | 6 | 1° |
Biotecnologie animali | LT Biotecnologie | 6 | 1° |
Biotecnologie vegetali | LT Biotecnologie | 6 | 1° |
Introduzione alle discipline omiche | LT Biotecnologie | 6 | 1° |
Bioetica e benessere animale | LT Biotecnologie | 6 | 2° |
Paleontologia | LT Scienze Geologiche | 11 | 1° |
Interazioni biotiche degli organismi vegetali | LT Scienze Naturali e Ambientali | 6 | 1° |
Chimica degli alimenti | LT Chimica industriale | 6 | 2° |
Neuropsicologia | LT Scienze Psicologiche Cognitive e Psicobiologiche | 9 | 2° |
Scienza della nutrizione | L Farmacia | 6 | 2° |
Chimica degli alimenti e dei prodotti dietetici | L Farmacia | 6 | 1° |
For Master's degrees | Programme name | ECTS/CFU | Semester |
Agroecology and Territorial Management (solo per Biologia Evoluzionistica) | LM Environmental Sustainability and Education | 6 | 2° |
Past climate and climate change | LM Environmental Sustainability and Education | 6 | 1° |
Environmental Plant Biotechnology | LM Biotecnologie Industriali | 6 | 2° |
Microbial Metagenomics | LM Molecular Biology | 6 | 2° |
Anatomia umana (solo per Biologia Evoluzionistica) | LM Biologia Sanitaria | 7 | 1° |
Chimica e certificazione degli alimenti | LM Biologia Sanitaria | 8 | 1° |
Igiene e legislazione sanitaria | LM Biologia Sanitaria | 6 | 1° |
Genetica forense | LM Biologia Sanitaria | 8 | 1° |
Environmental impact and life cycle assessment | LM Environmental Engineering | 6 | 1° |
English language B2* | 2 | 1° e 2 |
*(for additional information, please check the following website:
Updated 11 December 2024