A.A. 2021-2022
General Information
General information regarding the first semester 2021-22
The teaching activity of the master degree in Marine Biology will start on October , 4th.
The time schedule of the lessons will be published soon at https://www.unipd.it/orario-lezioni.
We inform you that the University of Padua and the Department of Biology are strongly convinced of preserving the unique value of the educational experience in presence. We have decided to adopt a "mixed" teaching method for the first semester of next academic year.
In this framework, we would like to inform you that classroom lessons will be held in dual mode (simultaneously in presence and online) and practicals will be in presence.
The organization of the classroom depend on the evolution of the pandemic and will follow the rules established by our government and region.
As for other activities, restrictions could be introduced to travelling and access to classrooms and laboratories. It is likely that broader access will be guaranteed to vaccinated students.
To ensure individual and community protection the vaccination program should be completed, the second dose should be administered before the beginning of the lessons.
We warmly invited all the students to act responsibly to permit the full recovery of University life inside and outside of the classroom and the laboratories.