Master degree in Marine Biology
Starting from the academic year 2021/2022, the master degree in Marine Biology is an International Degree with courses held exclusively in English.
The master degree of Marine Biology, University of Padova, belongs to the class LM-6 Biology.
The course is held in Chioggia (Venice), in Palazzo Grassi. The course trains students to become experts in the sustainable management of marine resources and ecosystems and aquaculture development and management.
The academic program includes 12 courses, most of them presenting practical lab and field activities, for a total of 79 European Credits Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), and a traineeship of 9 months, corresponding to 41 ECTS.
After a common start, two study plans, flexible and managed according to personal interests, are suggested: Biodiversity and management of marine organisms and Aquaculture and health of farmed organisms.
Master course in Marine Biology (Presentation 2024-2025)
Master course in Marine Biology (Training offer 2024-2025)
Further information on the activities held in the Chioggia marine centre of the Department of Biology, students’ experience, master theses, and the community of marine biologists in Chioggia may be found in the dedicated website.
Background knowledges required for the enrollment
The students applying to the master degree in Marine Biology must have a bachelor's degree, or a foreign educational qualification acknowledged by the current regulations.
To get access to the Master Course in Marine Biology the candidate needs to have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. A minimum three-year undergraduate degree (or equivalent) with proven skills in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Biology is needed.
Minimum GPA equivalent to Italian 95/110
The knowledge of the English language (B2 level, reading and listening) is required.
Applications from international students must be submitted through the dedicated platform and will be evalutated by a dedicated Academic Committee.
Professional and job opportunities for graduates
The Master Course in Marine Biology aims at preparing graduates for activities of research, environmental management, in aquaculture facilities, in public and private structures. Some possible professional opportunities are listed below.
1) leadership responsibility in:
public or private institutions dealing with conservation and management of the marine environment;
marine toxicology laboratories;
laboratories working on the evaluation of the quality of halieutic products;
aquaculture facilities.
2) advisory function in:
environmental impact assessment;
responsible management of marine commercial species;
reproduction of marine commercial species.
3) research role in:
universities, research institutes such as CNR, ENEA, marine biology stations, experimental facilities involved in aquaculture research, industry.
The Master Course in Marine Biology sets the bases to continue the advanced training with a Ph.D. in Italy and abroad. After a state examination, the graduate student will be able to register to the Professional Association of Biologists, section A, to conduct the codified activities.
Final exam
The final exam involves 9 months (see regulations for the final exam) of research activities related to topics coherent with the educational path of the Master Course. This period may be carried out in laboratories of the university or public or private bodies through an educational formal agreement with the University. With this internship activity, the student will acquire knowledge on experimental methodology, analytical tools, techniques of sample and data analyses. The student will prepare an original master thesis. The final exam will be completed by the discussion of the thesis.
Didactical regulations
Ultima modifica: 11 dicembre 2024